The brothers at San Damiano Friary in San Francisco observed the Feast of the Epiphany with a morning Mass, house blessing and a traditional chalking of the doors.
O God of and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Light of the nations
and the Glory of your people,
bless all who dwell in this house,
all who visit this house,
all who take refuge in this house,
and all who worship in this house.
May it be for them a place of peace and health,
that they may rejoice in the gifts and graces
you have bestowed upon them
and dedicate their talents
for the good of those for whom
your Christ came and gave his life,
and who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.
The Three Wise Men,
Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar
followed the star of God’s Son
who became human two thousand twenty years ago.
May Christ bless our home and remain with us
throughout the new year. Amen.