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"And when we are not paid for our work, let us have recourse to the table of the Lord, begging alms from door to door.  And the Lord revealed a greeting to me that we should say:  "May the Lord give you peace!"


The Testament of St. Francis


We invite you to collaborate with us with a donation now. Many include us in their wills, which is a powerful way to continue the Franciscan witness and ministry to the poor, the environment and the Episcopal Church and beyond. Thank you for your generosity.


Your financial contribution in any amount will help us continue our life and work.  You can make a gift right now on-line by using the "Donate" button found at the bottom of any page of this site. 


If you prefer, you may mail a check, payable to "Society of St. Francis" to:


573 Dolores St,

San Francisco, CA 94110


Please note we cannot deposit checks made out to individual Houses or Brothers.  


You may also want to consider setting up a recurring payment, answering our prayer that God give us "our daily bread."  Please contact us or your financial institution for assistance in this matter.​​​


Many dear friends have continued their commitment to our work beyond the limit of their life with generous bequests.  We have received cash bequests which have helped with large one-time expenses (like replacing a car, or making a substantial repair to one of our houses), property bequests (which might provide us a new place for ministry or a potential for income), and trusts (which provide a certain amount of stable income, much of which is used for medical premiums and health care, our perennial largest expenses). 


If you'd like to talk about remembering us in your will or through other bequests, please contact us or consult your financial advisor.​​

The Society of St. Francis Province of the Americas is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization. 

Contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law.  Please consult your tax professional.


+ May our holy father Francis pray to the Lord that we may have the grace to observe the Gospel with greater devotion.  Amen.

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Mail donations, payable to:

Society of St. Francis

573 Dolores St.

San Francisco, CA  94110


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© 2021 Society of St. Francis American Province, Inc. 

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