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[Francis] suddenly rose up to give praise, as if his only glory was this:  hearing good things about the brothers.  He burst out from the depths of his heart:  "I give you thanks Lord, Sanctifier and Guide of the poor, you who have gladdened me with this report about the brothers!  Bless those brothers, I beg you, with a most generous blessing, and sanctify with a special gift all those who make their profession fragrant through good example!"


The Remembrance of the Desire of a Soul, Thomas of Celano



At Mass on Friday, June 22, 2018, the Brothers at San Damiano Friary formally welcomed two new Postulants to our Society.  Nate Villalpando-Richardson and Michael Valdez both expressed their intent to seek membership in the First Order, SSF.  Both have lived alongside our Brothers for several months already.  As Postulants, they will participate fully in the life of the community while continuing to discern with us their calling as a Brother.  The Postulancy generally lasts from 3 to 6 months, after which, by permission of the Minister Provincial, the Postulant may be clothed as a Novice, receive the habit, and take a new or additional name (if he so chooses).  Rejoice with us that God continues to send men to test their vocations with us!

Published 6/24/2018


+ May our holy father Francis pray to the Lord that we may have the grace to observe the Gospel with greater devotion.  Amen.

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