Brother Desmond and Brother Damien were recently interviewed by the Rev. Canon Patrick Malloy, Sub-Dean of the Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine in New York City. The Cathedral normally marks the Sunday closest to the feast of Saint Francis with their annual Saint Francis Fair. Their truly extraordinary celebration usually includes a famous animal procession and blessing which in the past has included the usual household pets, along with camels, peacocks, tortoises, pigs, goats, llamas and at least one kangaroo.
Since COVID prevented their usual gala event this year, the cathedral asked our Brothers to help them make connections to the larger life of Saint Francis, and the various lessons we might take from him for our spiritual lives today. Alas, we're no camels, or kangaroos (keep your remarks to yourself!), but we had a lovely conversation. The cathedral debuted the edited interview as part of their virtual Sunday services on October 4, the Feast of Saint Francis, 2020. Our thanks to Canon Malloy, and to Issac Lopez, the cathedral's very capable production coordinator, for their invitation and work on this project. We think you'll enjoy it too: