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New Outdoor Features at San Damiano Friary

While we are unable to physically interact with people during the COVID pandemic, we have added a few new features to our friary in San Francisco. We hope these will provide some spiritual comfort to those most in need of them during this strange time. We have added an outdoor light to illuminate our very own Our Lady of Walsingham statute throughout the night. In addition, we have added a fountain and an icon of St. Oscar Romero that stays lit during the night. We hope that, as people pass by the friary (at all hours), they may pray to and ask for the intercession of this great saint of the Americas and of our Blessed Mother.

In addition, we have installed a prayer box in the front of our friary. Anyone passing by can submit a prayer request by putting it in the slot. Dozens of folks have already taken advantage of this prayer box. At our services, the brothers include in their prayers the intentions of those who have asked them.

We have also installed a box in the front gate that provides a brief history and summary of our life here at San Damian’s friary. As if often the case, folks want to know more about us and this handout helps provide something people can take and reflect on at their own leisure.

Finally, for those folks who have been unable to receive the Eucharist during this pandemic, we have put a monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament in our library facing Dolores Park. That way, even though folks are unable to receive Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar, they can still see, observe, and pray to him.

This picture was taken before any lunette was put in the monstrance.

This is not the best picture, but was taken at night from the ground level from Dolores Park. This was also taken before the lunette was placed inside the monstrance.


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